Clear Skin Topical Spray
Clear Skin Topical Spray's essential ingredient is the yarrow plant, which has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, and exfoliating properties. Yarrow naturally contains salicylic acid, a key ingredient in most anti-acne products, which has the ability to deeply penetrate skin, loosen and dissolve dead skin cells and dirt that clogs pores, and keep skin soft, smooth, and firm. This topical spray can reduce existing acne on the face and body and prevent future breakouts.
I've been making this spritz for my son for many years now, and he can't live without it! Seeing the amazing results has prompted me to share this product with you here in the shop. Once he began to use it, it was only a matter of weeks until the yarrow spray cleared up the blackheads on his nose and reduced his moderate acne condition to a very mild one with the occasional small breakout. The solution quickly eradicates his pimples. He's tried cleansers and gels from the dermatologist, but they haven't worked as well as this plant-based formulation.
A tincture of yarrow made with 100 proof vodka (I included a photo of it being wildcrafted, so you can see the plant magick in action) is combined with distilled water at a ratio of 30% tincture to 70% water, so it's gentle enough to use once a day (possibly twice if your skin is not prone to dryness). It works best on clean, damp skin. You can spritz it onto acne-prone areas on the face and body (avoiding the eyes), or apply it in a targeted way with a q-tip.
∆ Because this product contains some water content, I use a proper FDA-approved paraben-free, organic preservative at a minuscule but effective 0.5% level to prevent the growth of bacteria, yeast, and mold.
∆ You may see some herbal sediment at the bottom of this topical spray. This is a natural occurrence with wildcrafted, liquid-based herbal products, and is safe.
∆ This formulation comes in a 2 oz. amber (to protect from light), BPA-free, shatter-resistant PET plastic bottle with fine mist sprayer. It is airtight and leak-proof.
∆ No essential oils are used in this formula.

My teen begged me for a second bottle of this when she ran out. I pushed it off for a few weeks and her nose started to break out with zits and blackheads like crazy. Her sad eyes looked at me in desperation and I made sure to pop on here and order her more before I forgot again. She’s ecstatic more is coming to her rescue. She told me she can’t live without this ever again. It really works so well and a bottle lasts a good amount of time considering she uses it every day. Thankful to Susan!
This review comes during the pandemic, when mask-wearing is a necessity. Unfortunately, keeping my sensitive skin covered for so many hours everyday has lead to clogged and congested pores. Many OTC spot treatments offer some help, but my skin becomes very irritated and red. I’m happy to say this spray not only helped clear up my “maskne,” but it’s done it without causing irritation, dryness, or redness. It smells magnificently herby and earthy, and it absorbs quickly into skin. I use it in the morning and the evening on freshly washed and toned skin, followed by my moisturizer. Thank you for making this wonderful blemish healing potion!
I just wanted to let you know how much I love the Clear Skin Topical Spray. I went to my dermatologist about a month ago and one of my complaints was acne....seriously, at my age??? He prescribed an anti-bacterial ointment to use on my breakouts. I tried it and didn't really see that it was helping at all. I was quite disappointed. I ordered your spray and use it morning and night. Not one breakout since!! This is truly a wonderful product. Thank you so much for offering it for sale. Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am.
I finally found a product that clears up my skin. This is light and dries quickly. The scent is pleasant, too. I will be ordering again when she has it back in stock!
This product is amazing! If I have little zits pop up anywhere from sweating a lot or from my moon cycle, I just spritz this on my skin and press it in after I wash up. It shortens the length of time that my skin is is fighting the zit and it pops out the seed that started it all! This stuff is a miracle and I love it so much!